Gothic palace (basic tour)

Gothic palace tour was newly furnished with many interesting exhibits, archeological finds and equipped with the new lighting lately. The tour represents, in an attractive way, the life style of the supreme chancellors, burgraves and judges of the Bohemian Kingdom, Lords of Hradec. The interiors of the Gothic Palace offer an overview of the architecture of three centuries, during which the palace gradually gained its measurements and look. The valuable and interesting parts of the tour are representative King's Hall, living rooms of Lords of Hradec, extraordinary well preserved Knight Hall with murals from 1338 presenting The Legend of Saint George or panel painting Madonna from Jindřichův Hradec from 1460s. The tour ends in the very well preserved late-gothic black kitchen.

It is possible to say that the Jindřichův Hradec castle is a "textbook of architecture". Then, the Gothic palace is its medieval chapter. The structural core of the palace was constructed at the beginning of 13th century. Lords of Hradec had the need of representation of themselves and, as the important king's officials, they also had to represent the Czech Kingdom. The original palace had the half measurements compared to the present situation. The palace gained its final look at the end of 15th century. 

The bigger part of the visit line was newly furnished and equipped lately. The first chambers show the finds of the archeological research which has been done during the general reconstruction of the whole castle between the years 1975 and 1993. Very interesting is the collection of the gothic tiles from the tile stoves in the palace of the Lords of Hradec from the second half of the 15th century. There are also many artefacts and historical documents presented in the first chambers of the tour which remember the extraordinary positions of the Lords of Hradec and their interventions into the most serious political matters of the Bohemian Kingdom as well as their life style. The highlight of the tour is certainly the Knights Hall with the murals presenting The Legend of Saint George. The wall paintings consist of more than fifty scenes from the life of St. George which were created in the year 1338. Although the palace was afflicted by many fires in the past and the reconstructions and repair works haven been done sensitively enough the scenes of the Legend of Saint George remain exceptionally well preserved. We prepared also a small surprise - the short animated movie which brings the figures of the medieval frescoes to life. The tour shows also the representative hall of the palace from the end of the 15th century, very valuable artefacts Madonna of Jindřichův Hradec from the 1460s or Pietà of Lodhéřov from the middle of 14th century. The tour ends in the very well preserved late-gothic black kitchen which is still functional and which we occasionally put in order.


We hold the lunch break in May, June and September between 12 and 13 o'clock.



Opening hours

Period Days Hours
1. 5. thu 10.00 – 12.00
1. 5. thu 13.00 – 16.00
3. 5.-4. 5. sat–sun 10.00 – 12.00, 13.00 – 16.00
8. 5. thu 10.00 – 12.00
8. 5. thu 13.00 – 16.00
9. 5.-31. 5. sat–sun 10.00 – 12.00, 13.00 – 16.00
1. 6.-30. 6. tue–sun 10.00 – 12.00, 13.00 – 16.00
1. 7.-31. 8. tue–sun 10.00 – 16.15
1. 9.-30. 9. sat–sun 10.00 – 12.00, 13.00 – 16.00

Group The times mentioned as the end of the opening time are the beginning times of the last daily tours. We hold the lunch break in May, June and September between 12 and 13 o'clock.


  • Adults 25 up to 64 years 140 CZK
  • Seniors 65+ 110 CZK
  • Youth 18 up to 24 years 110 CZK
  • Persons with disabilities with valid identification card/certificate 110 CZK
  • Children 6 up to 17 years 40 CZK
  • Children under 5 years free
  • Person accompanying a disabled person free
  • Person accompanying a school group of 15 pupils/students free
  • Guide accompanying a group of at least 15 persons free
  • "MK ČR" card * free
  • ICOMOS card * free
  • Seasonal NPÚ ticket free
  • Single NPÚ tickets free
  • NPÚ card free
  • "Náš člověk" card * free
  • * Valid only for one person (card holder)
Führung auf Deutsch und Englisch nur für die Gruppen und mit Bestellung im Voraus.
  • Kategorie Cena

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